
Uncovering the role of KDM6A in epigenetic regulation of subtype plasticity in small cell lung cancer

Uncovering the role of KDM6A in epigenetic regulation of subtype plasticity in small cell lung cancer

KDM6A inactivation in an autochthonous SCLC mouse model promotes NEUROD1 expression leading to SCLC tumors that express both ASCL1 and NEUROD1. a, Schematic of the adenovirus used for IT injection into the lungs of LSL-Cas9 mice to generate autochthonous SCLC tumors that are Kdm6a inactivated or Kdm6a WT. RPP: sgRb1, sgTrp53, sgRbl2; sg “T”: sgKdm6a or sgControl…

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The State of Luxury Resale

The State of Luxury Resale


Pregnant woman diagnosed with cancer at 34 weeks reveals telltale warning sign