
Top 3 ways to detox, lose the weight gained during the festive season


During festivities, it becomes hard to resist sweets, munchies, and other delicious temptations. It is due to this very (unhealthy) habit that many of us end the festive season with a few extra kilos, which we then try to lose as quickly as possible. But do experts recommend doing so? “Indian sweets, desserts, hearty curries, and deep-fried cuisine are consumed without guilt during festivals. While our soul and spirit have a fantastic…

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Modernizing Medicine to pay $45M to resolve False Claims Act allegations

Modernizing Medicine to pay $45M to resolve False Claims Act allegations

Apple has finally approved a MagSafe car mount charger, and it only costs $99.95

Apple has finally approved a MagSafe car mount charger, and it only costs $99.95