
Rethinking AI Priorities: Lessons From IBM Think and Intel’s Lunar Lake

The Importance of Microsofts 5 Point Blueprint for Public Governance of Rethinking AI Priorities: Lessons From IBM Think and Intel’s Lunar Lake

I watched IBM Think last week. As I listened to IBM CEO Arvind Krishna talk about how IBM is willing to configure hardware, software, and services for every customer, it struck me that the one thing we are not doing with AI is thinking it through. We are throwing AI at everything and not prioritizing where we need it to focus.

We had the same issue with nuclear energy early on. We could focus…

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Lab-grown 'mini-guts' could help in development of new and more personalized treatments for Crohn's disease

Lab-grown ‘mini-guts’ could help in development of new and more personalized treatments for Crohn’s disease

Laken Litman

What Emma Hayes learned from her first USWNT camp