
Residents set for council tax rise to pay for police improvements

Residents set for council tax rise to pay for police improvements

Residents’ council tax contributions towards the police are set to rise more than 6.5 per cent across Greater Manchester this year.

The Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner Precept is set to rise £10 a year for Band A properties and £15 a year for Band D properties, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) said.

The increase of £152.20 to £162.20 a year for Band A properties and of £228.30 to £243.30 a year for Band…

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Plans afoot to step up natural paint output from cow dung in Chhattisgarh

Plans afoot to step up natural paint output from cow dung in Chhattisgarh

Amanda Seyfried Is Working on a Musical Adaptation of ‘Thelma & Louise’ for the Stage

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