The former cricket star was awarded bail until June 8, his lawyer Mohammad Ali Bokhari said by phone on Tuesday. However, he still faces dozens of other charges, including graft, hiding assets and insulting a female judge — all of which he’s…
in News
Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan gets bail from anti-terrorism court
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan won bail in multiple cases from an anti-terrorism court in Islamabad, a temporary respite that may help calm his supporters and cool tensions with the powerful military and the government.
The former cricket star was awarded bail until June 8, his lawyer Mohammad Ali Bokhari said by phone on Tuesday. However, he still faces dozens of other charges, including graft, hiding assets and insulting a female judge — all of which he’s…
The former cricket star was awarded bail until June 8, his lawyer Mohammad Ali Bokhari said by phone on Tuesday. However, he still faces dozens of other charges, including graft, hiding assets and insulting a female judge — all of which he’s…