The 31-year-old Sorokin, whose extraordinary story inspired a fictionalized series on Netflix and who has been a social-media phenomenon, was freed on bail late Friday and immediately placed under house arrest, with an ankle bracelet confining her to her modest Manhattan…
in News
Fake heiress Anna Sorokin vows to fight deportation to Germany
NEW YORK: Anna Sorokin, the young Russian-German woman who bilked wealthy New Yorkers while pretending to be an heiress herself, has said she would fight deportation to Germany after her recent release from prison.
The 31-year-old Sorokin, whose extraordinary story inspired a fictionalized series on Netflix and who has been a social-media phenomenon, was freed on bail late Friday and immediately placed under house arrest, with an ankle bracelet confining her to her modest Manhattan…
The 31-year-old Sorokin, whose extraordinary story inspired a fictionalized series on Netflix and who has been a social-media phenomenon, was freed on bail late Friday and immediately placed under house arrest, with an ankle bracelet confining her to her modest Manhattan…