
Elon Musk says Twitter’s For You page will only recommend verified accounts

Elon Musk vs. Twitter: all the news about one of the biggest, messiest tech deals ever

Musk claims the move is “the only realistic way to address advanced AI bot swarms taking over.” Verified users are also going to become the only accounts that can vote in polls for the “same reason,” Musk says.

It’s worth taking this announcement with a big grain of salt, as Musk’s tweets haven’t always turned into enforced policy or features. Perhaps the biggest example is his promise from February that the company was going to…

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HHS Secretary Becerra aims to keep 'pushing the envelope'

HHS Secretary Becerra aims to keep ‘pushing the envelope’

Laken Litman

Women’s Final Four: Everything to know about South Carolina-Iowa, LSU-Virginia Tech