Energy Minister Khurram Dastgir said engineers were working to restore the power supply across the country, including Islamabad, and tried to reassure the nation that electricity is expected to be restored by…
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Blackout in Pakistan as energy-saving measure backfires
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan was hit by a major power outage Monday as the cash-strapped government’s energy-saving measure of turning off electricity during low usage hours overnight backfired. This was the second blackout in four months in the nation reeling from surging energy costs.
Energy Minister Khurram Dastgir said engineers were working to restore the power supply across the country, including Islamabad, and tried to reassure the nation that electricity is expected to be restored by…
Energy Minister Khurram Dastgir said engineers were working to restore the power supply across the country, including Islamabad, and tried to reassure the nation that electricity is expected to be restored by…