
Zoe Gustavia Anna Whalen Is the Latest Player in New York’s DIY Fashion-as-Art Scene

Zoe Gustavia Anna Whalen Is the Latest Player in New York’s DIY Fashion-as-Art Scene

In the midst of New York Fashion Week’s frenzy, there was a meditative procession quietly underway in the East Village. A stream of downtown art kids playing the role of model walk down a runway shaped like a spiral labyrinth — their faces in a trance-like daze.

This show was held at St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery with clouds of frankincense filling its nave and marked Zoe Gustavia Anna Whalen’s arrival on New York’s fashion…

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For the first time, it's possible to record long-term electrical activity in a single brain cell

For the first time, researchers record long-term electrical activity in a single brain cell