
Established drug for symptoms of angina pectoris also protects vascular system

Established drug for symptoms of angina pectoris also protects vascular system

Plaque burden and morphology in ranolazine-treated LDL receptor knockout mice. Plaque burden and composition was analyzed in 25 LDL-R knockout mice (n = 12 ranolazine and n = 13 control). Overall plaque burden was evaluated using en face staining of the total aorta (A). Aortic roots were stained to visualize cholesterol clefts (B), fibrous cap area (C), elastin fiber…

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Fast Retailing Sees Record Profit on Weak Yen, Sales Boom

Fast Retailing Sees Record Profit on Weak Yen, Sales Boom

Image shows a white woman looking frustrated in the sun. She is holding a tissue to her head.

Why does the hot weather affect our mood and what can we do about it?