The Metropolitan Police charged Salman Salim, 25, also from Kerala, with the murder of Aravind Sasikumar. Salim is understood to have been a flatmate living in a houseshare with Aravind — who hails from
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Kerala man stabbed to death in Southhampton Way Camberwell
LONDON: In yet another horrific stabbing of an Indian in the UK, a 38-year-old from Kerala was killed in Southhampton Way Camberwell on Friday by a compatriot, who was arrested by the police on Saturday. This is the third killing of an Indian-origin person by stabbing in Britain this week.
The Metropolitan Police charged Salman Salim, 25, also from Kerala, with the murder of Aravind Sasikumar. Salim is understood to have been a flatmate living in a houseshare with Aravind — who hails from
The Metropolitan Police charged Salman Salim, 25, also from Kerala, with the murder of Aravind Sasikumar. Salim is understood to have been a flatmate living in a houseshare with Aravind — who hails from