DIG East Azfar Mahesar said the terrorists tried to hit the vehicle carrying Japanese nationals working with Pakistan Suzuki Motors.”All five Japanese remained safe,” he said. “The Japanese nationals were on the way to the…
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5 Japan nationals escape unhurt as latest Pak attack targets foreigners
KARACHI: Five Japanese nationals working for Suzuki Motors had a lucky escape when their van was targeted by a suicide bomber and a gunman in a suicide attack in Pakistan‘s port city on Friday, police said, in the latest terrorist attack on foreign nationals in the country.
DIG East Azfar Mahesar said the terrorists tried to hit the vehicle carrying Japanese nationals working with Pakistan Suzuki Motors.”All five Japanese remained safe,” he said. “The Japanese nationals were on the way to the…
DIG East Azfar Mahesar said the terrorists tried to hit the vehicle carrying Japanese nationals working with Pakistan Suzuki Motors.”All five Japanese remained safe,” he said. “The Japanese nationals were on the way to the…